Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Warm Up Week

The weather is warming up this week... almost to Indian summer levels on Friday according to the weather forecast.  And we're warming up too.  Almost ready to put the books down.

We had our second run through (on book) today.  Less of a stumble through, more of a run through.  And I'm really pleased.  I can really see it coming together.  Everyone is more comfortable with their lines. They're feeling more, thinking less, starting to make eye contact, starting to listen.  It's beginning to happen: less playing, more being.  Becoming.  Just starting mind you, but it's clearly starting.

Yesterday, Shannon Clark and his seamstress friend Doris came to rehearsal, and we have pictures!

Pin the tail on the lizard.
The basic structure should be finished soon, and the lizards might be able to rehearse in costume by the middle of next week.  Having those costumes is going to help everyone so much in rehearsal.  You can't really become the character until you have his clothes, and with the lizards especially, their skin.  How they move and how the humans react will really come alive with these pieces, and I'm thrilled to have a strong team working on it.

So come to our show.  You can get a ticket through kickstarter here.  Do it now.  You won't be disappointed.
How can you resist?

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